APTISI (Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Indonesia) region VIII-A, is an educational organization which consists of private University, Institute and Academy in Bali, aims to improve the quality of private colleges based on the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi , which include: education and teaching, research, and public service, making Bali as The Island of Knowledge. APTISI the region VIII-A aims to produce graduates who are intelligent, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, healthy and intelligent in facing global challenges (ASEAN Economic Society 2015) as well as ready to answer the challenge of the entry of foreign universities in year of 2020.
On the granting of a second award, held on December 12, 2012 gives awards to 25 private colleges in Bali. Awards are given in two categories namely GOLD (good) and SILVER (moderate). There are 5 Private colleges are awarded GOLD, and SILVER, while as many as 20 colleges. As for the purpose of the APTISI AWARD is to motivate members of 52 private University in Bali to always improve the quality teaching and learning on campus, and reward private university who have managed to grab the value of accreditation BAN-PT. Event was attended by the Deputy Governor of the province of Bali, the Walikota of Denpasar, A coordinator of KOPERTIS Region VIII , Administrator of APTISI Bali, Chairman of the foundation of the entire Bali, Rector, Chairman , Director of the private colleges all over Bali.
STIPAR Triatma Jaya won the GOLD based on a questionnaire given to each private colleges all over Bali about the value of accreditation BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board) then in the crosscheck by the Committee through the website BAN-PT. The award was very motivating the entire civitas akademika STIPAR Triatma Jaya, who had been struggling in preparing human resources hotelier, to embody its vision: to be the leading of tourism institute in Bali in 2018 in producing human resources in the field of hospitality and tourism of competent, creative, entrepreneur, mastering in information and technology and has good manner.
STIPAR Triatma Jaya who throughout their courses accredited B of BAN-PT, besides manages to win the GOLD award of the APTISI Region VIII-A, also carved out a variety of achievement among others: Win PHP-Program of HIGHER EDUCATION of the PTS, continually for 3 times (2010 s/d 2012), won the APTISI Region VIII-A category SILVER award 2011, best Operator EPSBED-2 the year 2012 in KOPERTIS REGION VIII, champion of Flair Bartending in Bali and ASEAN, and a variety of other achievements.
The STIPAR Triatma Jaya’s curriculum that follows the development of the tourism and hospitality industry, 90% of educated lecturer S-2 with a background in hospitality and tourism facilities, fully air-conditioned classrooms, Multimedia, international-standard Laboratories, a network of cooperation with the company's cruise ships (Costa Crociere, Princess Cruise), Viking and Mega YACHT (Greece), five-star hotel in Bali, Singapore and France, is a guarantee for students to meet the future hit in the world of hospitality and tourism.
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